The moon is the most romantic thing in the sky 📸 can`t get enough of it with portraits ✨️
Tristen from Mannequin Studio photographed by Jori
#insomniamag #n8zine #apricotmagazine #forevermagazine #worldviewmag #taintedmag #thinkverylittle #ifyouleave #taintedfilm #thinkveryfilm #timetobehave #pulsefilm #portbox #29mzine #onearthmagazine #expofilm #cinematicmodeon #photocinematica #cinesomnia #shootfilmmag #nightwalkermagazine #realismag #streetdreamsmag

Glittering gold with some filters for the hazy look. A little overexposed 📸✨️
Han from @upfrontmodels photographed by Jori
#magnificomagazine #goldmoony #apricotmagazine #worldviewmag #ourmag #thinkverylittle #filmphotomag #pulsefilm #forevermagazine #onearthmagazine #ifyouleave #cityports #shootfilmmag #filmdiscovered #littlerivermag #melonmag #indy_photolife #into_the_screen #ポートレートモデル #jp_mood #indies_gram #スクリーンに恋して #ノスタルジーな瞬間を #프로필

Went a little piratesy black & white with @julianshxtler during 2021. Don`t know the word for this theme/style. But its cool
Photographed by Jori.
#homesickplaces #n8zine #apricotmagazine #taintedmag #thinkverylittle #ifyouleave #taintedfilm #thinkveryfilm #pulsefilm #photocinematica #cinesomnia #kalermagazine #indy_photolife #ポートレートモデル #indies_gram #スクリーンに恋して #ノスタルジーな瞬間 #29mzine #cinematicmodeon
#into_the_screen #photogram_archive #good_portraits_word #なんでもないただの道が好き #何気ない瞬間を残したい #jp_portrait_collection

Warm beige sunset 🌅 at Canterburry Road. Didn`t get tla HDR of the clouds but the glowy look helps I guess 🤞
From @now_model_management
Photographed by Jori
#apricotmagazine #worldviewmag #taintedmag #thinkverylittle #ifyouleave #melonmag #goldmoony #shootfilmmag #pulsefilm #onearthmagazine #filmphotomag #n8zine #photocinematica #yourvisiongallery #cinesomnia #filmdiscovered #realismag #cinematicmodeon #kalermagazine #portraituring #littlerivermag #into_the_screen #ポートレートモデル #ノスタルジーな瞬間を #expofilm

High contrast B&W studio with 1 key light 📸 definitely like the apparel as well. Have to shift the light a little to get the shadows.
HMUA @tiffanyfangmakeup
for @prasheela.ramesh
From @upfrontmodels photographed by Jori.
#pr0ject_bnw #blackandwhiteportrait #blackandwhitehumansphotos #bnwsouls #blacknwhite_perfection #ignant #endlessfaces #fstoppers #bnw_catalonia #taintedmag #worldviewmag #hvmansouls #elegantmagazine #vogove #vogueitalia #tendermag #filmphotomag #flanellemagazine #apricotmagazine #vigourmagazine #beautyeditorial #magnificomagazine #cheadsmagazine #sarahimagazine #vipphotomagazine

Glistering lighting before sunsets. Used a bloom filter for a little dreamy look ☁️
@_stephanie_lai from @now_model_management photographed by Jori
#filmlifemagazine #apricotmagazine #worldviewmag #ourmag #thinkveryfilm #filmphotomag #pulsefilm #ourportraitsdays #onearthmagazine #insomniamag #shootfilmmag #pellicolamag #filmdiscovered #analoguepeople #indy_photolife #into_the_screen #ポートレートモデル #jp_mood #indies_gram #スクリーンに恋して #개인화보 #일반인모델 #fisheyelemag #vogove

Pink pastel dusk and gemstones 🪨 Went for a low contrast look with dreamy pinks at a coast
Victoria G from @now_model_management
Photographed by Jori
#into_the_screen #photogram_archive #good_portraits_world #なんでもないただの道が好き #何気ない瞬間を残したい#jp_portrait_collection #みんすと #ポトレ撮影隊 #카메라 #선팔하면맞팔 #ポートレート #東京カメラ部 #被写体 #ファインダー越しのわたしの世界 #グレージュ #秋コーデ #サロンモデル #作品撮り #冬コーデ #indy_photolife #ポートレートモデル #jp_mood #indies_gram #일반인모델

I know color wins (swipe ➡️) but for the feed, i have to go with B&W 📸
@kalynskye from @now_model_management photographed by Jori
#bnwmagazine #bnw_drama #bnw_catalonia #pr0ject_bnw #melonmag #somelightmag #apricotmagazine #worldviewmag #cottagecore #cottagecoreaesthetic #tendermag #insomniamag #kalermagazine #flanellemagazine #magnificomagazine #arlettemagazine #taintedmag #hvmansouls #underfleuron #littlerivermag #fisheyelemag #sarahimagazine #hellenemagazine